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Lync For Mac Download Yosemite

barlimocsa1981 2020. 11. 18. 22:55

Barak Manor is a product manager for the Lync team

I’m pleased to say that we’ve just released our latest update to Lync for Mac, and it is available for download on Microsoft Support. This release adds new two features; Media Resiliency and Conversation History, as well as additional support for Apple OS X Yosemite.

Media Resiliency

Download Adium Version History - Source Adium is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X that can connect to AIM, XMPP (Jabber), ICQ, IRC and more. Mac mini introduced in early 2009 or later iMac introduced in mid 2007 or later Mac Pro introduced in early 2008 or later Xserve models introduced in early 2009. To find your Mac model, memory, storage space, and macOS version, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu. If your Mac isn't compatible with OS X Yosemite, the installer will let.

No network is perfect, of course, and we all want the best possible experience when hiccups happen. This update adds Media Resiliency for peer-to-peer calls and Lync Meetings, which does two important things. First, if a network disconnect occurs, Lync for Mac will now automatically rejoin a meeting or reconnect a peer-to-peer call as long as network connectivity is re-established within 30 seconds.

Lync mac download

(Try it for yourself. Setup a Lync video call on your Mac. Quickly disconnect and reconnect your network cable, or disable and re-enable your wireless connection. You’ll see the video freeze when the network drops and then re-start once connection is re-established.)

Second, Lync for Mac will now maintain the media connection for peer-to-peer calls if connectivity is lost to Lync Server or Lync Online. This lets voice calls continue even when presence information is no longer available.

Conversation History

Older versions of Lync for Mac store a record of Lync conversations locally on the Mac, but not in Exchange. With this update, we’ve added two things to improve conversation history for both Mac users and company administrators. The option to store conversation history in Exchange, as well as locally, and a new Conversation History tab in the Lync for Mac client, shown below. Using Exchange allows us to propagate a user’s conversation history across multiple devices; enabling, for example, a person with more than one Mac to revisit all their conversations on either Mac—rather than seeing only the local conversations. In addition, archival in Exchange simplifies eDiscovery and other compliance tasks for administrators.

OS X Yosemite support

In the last two years Apple has released three new versions of OS X: Mountain Lion, Mavericks and just last week Yosemite. Each time, we tested and released a new Lync for Mac client. This time is no different since the current release of the client supports the new OS X Yosemite .

Full information about this release is available at the Microsoft Knowledge-Base. It’s a cumulative release that builds on our 10 prior updates to Lync for Mac over the last two years. In this time, we’ve added a number of important capabilities, including:

  • Dynamic video camera selection during calls.
  • USB peripheral devices support, including headsets, speakerphones and cameras.
  • E-911 and Location Awareness, as described in this blog post.
  • Higher compression rate (~10x) for desktop sharing, to reduce bandwidth and latency.
  • Better control and management of delegation for boss/admin scenarios.
  • Better integration with Office 365, including configuration auto discovery and visibility of Audio Conferencing Provider callers in the Lync Meeting roster.
  • Quality Of Experience (QOE) reporting to the server or Office 365 after each call.
  • Enabling better control and management for boss/admin scenarios.

Even with these improvements, we know we have more work to do to delight Mac users. We plan to continue our regular updates and look forward to your feedback. Keep it coming!

—Barak Manor

Analog zu den Seiten OCS Updates und Exchange und Windows Service Packs und folgende finden Sie hier die aktuellen Updates und Historie der Patches für Lync. Lync Server 2010 http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=2493736

Microsoft Update Catalog zu Lync

Ich versuche die Versionen vollständig zu halten aber da ich selbst keinen MAC nutze, kann es sein, dass die Listen nicht komplett sind. Ich addiere gerne Versionen, wenn Sie mir einen Hinweis geben.




22. Feb 2016

3139293 February 2016 Update für Lync für Mac 2011 14.3.3 (KB3139293)

Lync für Mac 2011

  • 3139306 Text formatting lost when you copy or paste them between Lync für Mac 2011 and Word on a Mac computer
  • 3139305 Lync für Mac 2011 conversations aren't saved in the Outlook Conversation History folder when you use an Office 365 account
  • 3139304 Video is distorted after a video call window is resized
  • 3139292 Lync 2011 für MAC doesn't automatically sign back in
  • 3139291 'LocalEndpointAllocationFailed' error is logged and Lync für Mac client becomes unresponsive randomly
  • 3139287 Duplicate contacts are displayed in search results in Lync für Mac 2011
  • 3139286 Video preview window is black in Lync für MAC 2011

Und dann gibt es noch einige andere kleinere Fixes:

  • Fixed a major hang affecting customers; primärily reported on El Capitan
  • Fixed 17 crashes including 6 of the top 7 Watson crashes
  • Auto sign in now continues to retry the sign in process and doesn’t time out within a few seconds of lack of network connection
  • Fixed the issue where “secondary ringer” option was not saved and reverted after Lync restart
  • Fixed an issue where credentials continued to prompt even when entered correctly
  • Fixed issue where copy/paste to/from IM window lost text formatting

Oct 2015


  • KB3098588 October 2015 Update für Lync für Mac 2011 14.2.1

July 2015


  • KB3074981 July 2015 Update für Lync für Mac 2011 14.1.1

Mar 2015


  • KB3037358 March 2015 Update für Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.11

Dez 2014

14.0.10 HF1

  • KB3019983 Dezember 2014 Hotfix für Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.10
  • KB 3019988 Lync für Mac 2011 crashes when it starts in a mixed case Mac OS environment
  • KB 3019989 Lync für Mac 2011 Users experience slow redraw rate in desktop sharing in OS X Yosemite
  • KB 3019990 Cannot exit full-screen mode in a native Lync für Mac 2011 meeting

Schade, dass das Update wohl keine neue Versionsnummer bekommen hat.

30. Okt 2014


Etwas umfangreicheres Update mit Yosemite Support

  • KB3007876 October 2014 Update für Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.10
  • 3007886 Update enables Users to view call history in Lync für Mac 2011
  • 3007885 Update für Lync für Mac 2011 enables Users to store conversation history on an Exchange server
  • 3007884 Location is not displayed in Lync für Mac 2011 when Users join a wireless network
  • 3007883 Error 'One or more selected contacts cannot receive your calls' when you forward calls in Lync für Mac 2011
  • 3007881 Delegation relationship is broken after a delegate signs in to Lync für Mac 2011
  • 3007879 Computer shutdown is not processed when Lync für Mac 2011 is running
  • 3007878 Update implements media resiliency mode in Lync für Mac 2011
  • 3007877 Dial pad disappears when a User who is not enabled für EV joins a video conference or a video call in Lync für Mac 2011
  • 2909659 Update enables Users to interact with a contact from the call history in Lync für Mac 2011
  • Download (ca. 35 MB)

Jun 2014


Bitte nicht installieren. Anscheinend funktioniert diese Version nur wenn alle Spracheinstellungen auf 'Englisch' stehen Eviews for mac.

11. Apr 2014


2952672 Update für the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.8 Sd card for mac.

Folgende Probleme sollten damit gelöst werden

  • 2952676 Delegate doesn’t receive notification when you set delegation by using Lync für Mac 2011
  • 2952671 Update enables Lync für Mac 2011 to run in Mac OS X Mavericks

Dez 2014


  • KB2909662 Description of the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.7 Update

Okt 2014


  • KB2888920 Description of the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.6 Update

7 Jun 2013


  • Lync für Mac 14.0.5
  • 2844274: Description of the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.5 Update

Update für Lync für Mac 2011

Jan 2013


2778095 Description of the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.4 Update

12. Jul 2012


2726395 Description of the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.3 Update
Löst bestimmte Probleme mit Headsets. Noch kein öffentlicher Download

25. Apr 2012


  • 2690036 Beschreibung der Microsoft-Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.2 Update

Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.2 Update

21. Okt 2011


2634523 Description of the Microsoft Lync für Mac 2011 14.0.1 Update

Lync Mac Download

Weitere Links

Microsoft Lync Mac

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